Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Educational Psychology Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Educational Psychology - Article Example In addition, online education system is perceived as a mode that offers low-cost education in a flexible program within a limited time span in contrast to the traditional methods of classrooms. The blended/hybrid course applies both traditional and online methods. This delivery is used for practice and real application in that the student is face-to-face with a trainer who can rectify wherever wrong (Hill, 2012). Many university heads in United States have found it useful in incorporation of online studies in their institutions. The senior leaders claim that the online education should be considered as a strategic plan in every university. For example, the university of Virginia board of governors has pressured the introduction of online causes (Hill, 2012). The finding in this article is effective since the researcher used a quantitative method. Education psychology as a field is involved in education and psychological development of children and the young people within the home, school or community at large. The Bible claims it very clear that children are gifts from God (Psalm 127:3). Moreover, it claims that everybody has his or her own talent. Therefore, a child whose talent is not academically suited will incur some problems in studies. For example, a child may be blessed in sports activities. Such child may be poor in academics. Education is identified as the key to success and good communication. Therefore, such unprivileged children should be helped in a special way for them to improve their academic performances. Education psychologists should posses’ specialized skills in order for them to work positively with the children in nurturing of their learning, behaviors and social stability. Educational psychologists are trained to handle children depending on their needs. They train in child development, learning psychology and teaching skills. They take time studying children’s functional

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